Together, we can

Build barakah through charity

Our beloved Prophet ﷺ said:

“Allah said, ‘O son of Adam! Spend, and I shall spend on you.”

Sahih Al-Bukhari

Our goal

Increase barakah in our time, money and health. But how?
As an organisation, we want to focus on spending our time and money on the things Allah has commanded us to do. By following the Sunnah and Qur’an, we have come to the conclusion that sadaqah or charity is a great source of increasing barakah in our lives. In this life where the days fly by and the money spent is never enough…

What we do

We support and organise projects that help change the lives of underprivileged families and young people from Morocco.

Sadaqah jariyah

Sadaqah Jariyah means a continuous, flowing and ongoing charity. Whether this charity is given on behalf of a deceased love one or to those in need in your living years, it is one of the most rewarding acts we can do in our lives.

100 % Policy

Build Barakah VZW applies a 100% policy, which means that the full amount you donate goes to those in need. We are a non-profit organisation and do not make a profit, we pay all expenses ourselves. With your donation, we can help the ones in need!

Family project

Build barakah was founded by a family who recognised that there is a lot of demand and help needed in Morocco. With the little bits we can collect as a family, we can already put a smile on someone’s face. The people in need are our neighbours and with the will of Allah we can help them a step further with the resources we have.

Our story

With the construction of the mosque Al Ghofran in Bouderbala Morocco, we received no less than 900 donations and collected more than 250 thousand euros. Every penny we have received has been fully invested in the construction of the mosque, a sadaqah jariyah.
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