About us

Building Barakah

Building barakah through charity. 

As an organisation, we want to focus on spending our time and money on the things Allah has commanded us to do. By following the sunnah and quran, we have come to the conclusion that sadaqah or charity is a great source of increasing barakah in our lives. in life where the days fly by and the money spent is never enough….


We want to join hands and help those in need and through this act we also help ourselves. A good example is our first project, where we completely relied on Allah. After building a mosque, we are sure we can do more, as long as Allah gives us the opportunities

Managed by family

Build barakah was founded by a family who recognised that there is a lot of demand and help needed in Morocco. With the little bits we can collect as a family, we can already put a smile on someone’s face. The people in need are our neighbours and with the will of Allah we can help them a step further with the resources we have.

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