Our story

Where it all began

On 30 August 2020, our son and his best friend returned to their Creator after a tragic accident. Soon after, we as a family decided to realise a sadaqah jariayah.

Watch on Houssain’s channel the conversation with Marouane’s father and Hicham’s twin brother Allah y rhamhoum.

Our projects

Masjid Al Ghofran
The construction of Al Ghofran mosque started in September 2020.

We started the collection as a family without any idea whether we will reach the amount. When we collected 10 thousand euros together, we decided to trust in Allah and start the construction in Bouderbala, Morocco. Every month we collected what we received and sent the money to Morocco. Through the help of Allah and our Ummah, we built a mosque without any start-up capital or plan of action. Now three years on, we have been able to open the mosque for Ramadan 2023 with gratitude. Al Hamdoulilah, now that the mosque has been opened, people are praying massively in it. The construction of the mosque has ended on good terms. Gladly, we as a non-profit organisation Build Barakah would like to continue to maintain the Al Ghofran mosque. The construction is a sadaqah jariyah. Through small contributions, we can keep the mosque open for years to come, In Sha Allah.

Ramadan food parcels
In 2023, it will be the 3rd year that we will collect for Ramadan and provide food parcel to the needy.

The villagers live in poverty and due to high costs, they cannot even get basic provisions. We would like to offer the opportunity to support the people throughout the year. During Ramadan, this will always be food parcels. Throughout the year, we want to listen to the needs of the people in Morocco, such as medical assistance or basic facilities and donations that will last for years ,…

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